The Caring Heart



(NARRATIONS BY SIR EZELE, ffl @sir_ezele on Twitter and IG)

I stumbled upon a quote by a friend on instagram some weeks back,and it says "IF YOU HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY,DO IT THE WORLD NEEDS MORE OF THAT"
So today,I thought of all the people i have made smile and the ones I walked out on and felt happy sad.
The list was plenty,but I felt sad that it wasn't more than that in a population of 6 billion and counting or reducing with the problems of the world today.

 I have a problem.
I keep my emotions hidden a lot, even when my whole body wants to show love, affection, I am always bothered by what the other person may think.
But I fail to understand that second chances are rare, I fail to understand that once you get the chance to care for anyone, show them you care without holding back, make them happy, make them smile, cos the world needs more of that.
A true heart that cares may get hurt,but either way when you are sure you are right,forget the opinion of others and do it, in Richard Branson's words "screw it,do it" I'll say "screw opinions,show care" and if par adventure u get hurt while showing love, Get those pieces back together, throw your arms round another, show the care, THERE LIES ONE OF THE GREATEST STRENGTHS THERE IS.
Little wonder we match true care with movies, but movies are like models, there are only representations of real life and human emotions, when it is true, make it open, transparent, faultless and free.
Enough of my problem,am getting back there and making every single person I come across smile. Join me
So friend,grab those pieces back,pick up that man and begin your journey to DISCOVER HOW TO MAKE THAT NEXT BROTHER SMILE,THAT NEXT SISTER SMILE.
Lets end a war together with smiles


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