So Folks, the harmattan season is upon us. Harmattan is here…. And of a truth it happens to be my favorite time of the year, but for this runny nose, headache, incessant sneezing and eye itch, I’m here crying and praying for winter to just come and take over. I don’t want harmattan anymore. So while I write this post in not the best of moods and health, my dad has been giving me hot water and honey to drink, my mom has been giving me cappuccino with Ultima C and Vitamin C for sides, my sisters went to bring this capsule for me to take. As long as I feel better, ain’t no overdose fam. Moving on, I’ve drank and I’m still drinking, and nothing seems to work, so I’m on Google right now browsing on how to stop this ish. And I been seeing many medical jargons and stuffs, I’m going to share with you some of these useful tips tho, It might be helpful yunno. Meanwhile, I have put them in simple numbering format.