My Trip to a Homeland

Tall trees, green grasses
A lot of flowers, a sight so pretty
Canoes sail, underneath the bridge
Bridges all clear, no scenes
Straight roads, curved turnings
Smooth roads, big worry
Roads all clear, lot of checkpoint
Diversion, mind settled
Advancing ahead, Benin to Ore

Hold ups, dirty cars
Gala boy, water girl
Bread here, boli there
Now a big porthole, a smile appears
Another porthole, flooded before
Muddy and red, lil drops of water
Splashing across the windshield
Nigeria at last
Ore to Ondo

Small roads, sharp turnings
Elevated roads, no warning
Bridges ahead, hidden behind the grasses
And then that sound, the flight in the air
Buh just as swift, a world class driver
That aroma again, the fav akara spot
Brown and dry, my stomach rumples
A hundred naira worth with a bottle of water
On my way to Ife

This ancient town
Known as the cradle of Yoruba land
Lots of memories, taught in primary skul
The tall staff of oranmiyan, that stretches almost into the sky
The forest of bamboos, where I scratched my name into
Along with many others, on an excursion trip to the zoo
A long time ago, sure we all grow one day
And then the Great university of ife
The Obafemi Awolowo University, and then its bye bye Ife

Turns and curves, portholes and ditches
I see the clouds, in their various forms
The atmosphere changing, rainy and then clears
Sleep forms, but cant leave the sights
And so I sing a song, to ease the mood
I watch the leaves bow, as the car speeds by
And reflect on his words, “I’LL RAISE UP STONES AND TREES TO WORSHIP ME”
And then another town, appears at the horizon
The city of Ede, another town in Osun state

And now little villages, cows and chickens
Old men and women, dogs and goats
Boiled corns, palmoil also for sale
I see plantains, now where is my wara?
And just then, the seller screams
I see a figure running towards my side
And then at the glass, the voice, WARA DINDIN
The fried wara,my mouth waters
Don’t say am a glutton, I don’t get to eat this everyday

And so sure I am, I am almost there
I set my mind at thst special Akara, called “Akara Ogbomosho”
And yes,that’s where I am heading to
The beautiful city called Ogbomosho
Where a lot of memories exist, it feels good to know am almost back there
And then the lot of places I once knew, lot of friends I chill with
And at last I see the clear green grasses, with touches of flowers in their midst
I close my eyes, its time to sleep
Ogbomosho at last, I’ll always call home
In less than 20 minutes, I’ll be home
Travelling for 7 hours by road, that headache again
Buh am used to it, thanks to Akara Ogbomosho


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